
Monday, September 27, 2010

Quilting Around Chautauqua 2010

This past weekend was my annual trek to Chautauqua Institution for Quilting Around Chautauqua. This year was a little different. My friend and I had the same spots and were surrounded by the same wonderful group of vendors as in the previous years and at least one new person whom I hope to see again next year (welcome to QAC, Peter!). But normally we have a couple of friends join us who help out in our booths and drink wine on my porch in the evening and they couldn't make it this time.

Needless to say, neither of us was able to leave our booths except for a restroom break, so there was no shopping for us this year. Call it a blessing in disguise. I was also unable to take very many photos this year but I have posted what I have. The photo at the top of this post is from my newest pattern called CHRISTMAS BELLS ARE RINGING. There are 3 projects in the pattern: Table Topper, Tree Skirt and Door Banner (shown in photo).

Show attendence was good, but purse strings were being held very tightly this time. Something simply MUST be done about our economy! What is the world coming to when quilters can't afford to buy the latest fabric and patterns?

We still had a great time and are already planning for next year so its time to look ahead.

Also regulars at the show are Donna and Rick Eicher who own Sew Special, in Uniontown and Seams Like Home in Vanderbilt, PA. Seams Like Home is the new bed and breakfast they opened and have begun hosting quilting retreats like the one I am teaching October 8th, 9th and 10th. For their show special they were offering a $75 discount off the price of my retreat and $50 off of any other retreat coming up. DISCLAIMER: I AM WRITING THIS FROM MEMORY OF A HURRIED CONVERSATION AT THE SHOW, SO YOU CANNOT HOLD DONNA OR RICK RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING I MAY SAY IN ERROR! Check their website for details or call their shop: 800-572-7570 or

This house made me pull over and snap a pic. I think its my new favorite.

Monday, September 06, 2010

Quilts, Wine and Chocolate!

What a great weekend!

I headed to my cottage in Westfield, New York, Friday evening. On Saturday, after a wonderful day of teaching at Millcreek Fabric and Sewing in Erie PA, my friend and I stopped to watch the sunset over Lake Erie at Noble Winery. We shared a bottle of wine and relaxed with the owners of the winery as the sun set. Saturday night was the last bingo of the season in the park where my cottage is located. My friend was a big winner with a total of 32 candy bars. Believe it or not, we actually had some left when we headed back home Monday morning! Westfield has such a small town, old-fashioned feel that it is a nice change from my "real life" in Pittsburgh.

We slept in on Sunday then headed out to visit a couple more wineries in the area along with some of the great cheese stores in the area. We also stopped at Bemus Point to see what was happening the last official weekend of the summer. There were a lot of sales and some live music on the floating stage. Our last stop was back at Noble Winery to discuss with the owner what type of quilt she wanted made to hang on the wall of the tasting room. I am so excited to be doing this project for her and can't wait to get started. It will be a collaboration between myself and one of my best friends so I think will be a lot of fun. I will try to show some pictures as the project moves along.

I usually don't make quilts for other people unless they are for family or friends or for a magazine, so this will be a totally new experience for me. I'm pretty easy-going about most things, so I think the process will be fairly painless. Has anyone reading this ever done a project like this? Was it as much fun as you thought it would be? Are you still friends with the person or people you worked with?

Thursday, September 02, 2010


I think designing is coming up with something that hasn't existed before. I don't believe that taking an existing block and changing the colors or fabric used should be considered designing. I also don't believe a designer should design around a fabric line. A good design will work with many different fabric lines not just one. I'm not sure what to call people who do this sort of work, but I wouldn't call it designing. Marketing maybe, but not designing. I, for one, am tired of picking up a magazine and seeing the same quilt made over and over again and I would love to hear from others about this subject, even the "marketeers".