
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Doll Sweaters

Here are some more pics of my friends doll sweaters. These are made to fit American Girl dolls or dolls of similar size. If you need a price or any other info, feel free to contact me at:

Friday, April 29, 2011

Quiltmakers 100 Blocks Vol. 3 Blog Tour Starts Monday May 2nd!

Just a little reminder that the blog tour starts Monday, May 2nd. I will be blogging that day and I will have 2 copies of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks to give away. The first copy will go to one person, chosen randomly, who leaves a comment on my blog that day. The second copy will go to one of my followers who leaves a comment that day. The odds of winning a copy are better if you are one of my followers and time is running out so "follow" me today! As a special thank you to my followers I will also include a page of my clown faces already printed on Printed Treasures so you can piece my block as soon as your issue arrives.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Look What My Friend Can Do!

This adorable little sweater set was hand knitted by my new friend, Sue! Isn't it cute? I think she's too old to play with dolls herself, LOL, but she loves making them so she has a few extras "sitting around". If anyone is interested in purchasing some sweaters please send me an email and I'll get her in touch with you.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Can I wear this to the grocery store?

There was a package waiting for me this afternoon after I ran my errands. It was fairly small and square and the return address was Quiltmaker 100 Blocks. At first, I thought it was the fabric I am waiting on to make the next one of my designs Quiltmaker is planning to publish but then realized it would be difficult to fit the fabric required to make the quilt I am making in that size box.

The first thing I saw when I opened the box was this button! My next thought was--"Do I have a shirt that I wouldn't mind tearing like they do in those Honda ads?" I decided I don't so I photographed it on my rotary ruler so you can actually see how big it is.

Also in the box was a coffee mug that has a picture of every block in the next issue that is due out in May. How cool is that?

For some reason, my 13 year old daughter won't let me wear the button to the supermarket!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

My Clown block featured on Quiltmakers' Blog!!!

Check this out! One of my students (and friend) sent me an email to let me know my block is featured on Quiltmaker's blog! It is so exciting seeing my designs posted somewhere other than my own website or blog.

I am participating in the blog tour on May 2 and I will have 2 copies of the new 100 Blocks issue to give away. The first copy will go to one person who leaves a comment on my blog May 2. The second copy will go to one of my followers who leaves a comment so if you don't already follow my blog you might want to sign up for another chance to win!