
Sunday, May 03, 2009

Too much?

While I have been busy trying to help my friend with her fabric sale and getting ready for Quilt Market, I haven't been designing too many quilt blocks or quilts, but I came up with this and thought someone might have an opinion they'd like to share. Is the border too much? What do you think about the colors? What do you think about the layout? Do you like quilts on point? Do I ask too many questions?

BTW, my friend's fabric sale went okay. It could have and should have been much better, but I think with the economy the way it is, people are afraid to spend very much money, even when they are getting something at half price.

As soon as Market is over and I decide whether I will vend at Fall Market or not, my friends and I plan to work on a book! I have never done this before, but I figure with the help of good friends, you can do anything, right?


  1. I think this design is awesome, color, border and everything!

  2. I agree with Mary I love this design and the colors and the boarder. In my book this one is a winner.

  3. Hi Tennye,

    I hope you get this message, but since I didn't get your email address when you commented, I have no way of contacting you directly. I'm glad you like my design and I will put it on my To Do list!

