
Tuesday, October 06, 2009


I missed my deadline to have this quilt shown at Fall Quilt Market in Houston because I had my dates wrong! I thought I had a couple more days to get this to the fabric manufacturer, but...time's up. Maybe they will want it for Spring Market. I work really well on a deadline usually, but if you have the date wrong, I guess there's no hope of finishing on time, unless you think the deadline is earlier than it is! I'll have to give permission to SOME people to lie to me. Not everyone, mind you, just a select few.


  1. I LOVE this quilt. I saw it when you posted it a few weeks (months) ago.
    Just gorgeous.

  2. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Oh man! I am sure they will want it for spring. It is remarkable!

  3. It is a gorgeous quilt ! Too bad it can't be seen in Houston !

  4. W00w!!It is a gorgeous quilt !
