
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Back to work

Now that Christmas has passed, its time to really get to work! I finished one quilt top the weekend before Christmas for a magazine that needs to be ready for photography around January 8th. I Fedexed it on December 23rd to Colorado to be quilted and hopefully bound. I have another quilt to make that another magazine wanted for the third week in January, but one of the fabrics won't be available until the second week in January, sooOOOooo I don't think I'll make that deadline. Fortunately, the editor likes the quilt so much, she's willing to wait.

Since my teaching proposal was accepted for Chautauqua Institution's Summer season, I need to get my sample made asap. And then there's Spring Quilt Market in Minneapolis. I plan on having at least 3 new designs ready for that, but I also need to make travel plans as well. One of my sisters lives in Wisconsin and has agreed to come to Market to help me, so I am planning to fly to Wisconsin and rent a car and drive the 5 hours from there with all of my stuff and my sister.

Its going to be a busy year!


  1. Hope we can see some of your samples for your class :-) And I hope that you had a Merry Christmas!

  2. Boy, it sure is nice to know that someone reads this stuff! I will post pictures of my samples as soon as I can, which will be after they are finished and when I figure out what's wrong with my camera! And I hope you had a Merry Christmas, as well!
